od is invalid. $payment_method->attach( [ 'customer' => $this->get_customer( 'id' ) ] ); return $payment_method; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->handle_exception( $e ); } return null; } /** * Get saved Stripe PaymentIntent object or its key. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param string $key Name of the key to retrieve. * * @return mixed */ public function get_payment( $key = '' ) { return $this->get_var( 'intent', $key ); } /** * Get details from a saved Charge object. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param string|array $keys Key or an array of keys to retrieve. * * @return array */ public function get_charge_details( $keys ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.TooHigh $charge = isset( $this->intent->charges->data[0] ) ? $this->intent->charges->data[0] : null; if ( empty( $charge ) || empty( $keys ) ) { return []; } if ( is_string( $keys ) ) { $keys = [ $keys ]; } $result = []; foreach ( $keys as $key ) { if ( isset( $charge->payment_method_details->card, $charge->payment_method_details->card->{$key} ) ) { $result[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $charge->payment_method_details->card->{$key} ); continue; } if ( isset( $charge->payment_method_details->{$key} ) ) { $result[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $charge->payment_method_details->{$key} ); continue; } if ( isset( $charge->billing_details->{$key} ) ) { $result[ $key ] = sanitize_text_field( $charge->billing_details->{$key} ); } } return $result; } /** * Request a frontend 3D Secure authorization from a user. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param PaymentIntent $intent PaymentIntent to authorize. */ protected function request_3dsecure_ajax( $intent ) { if ( ! isset( $intent->status, $intent->next_action->type ) ) { return; } if ( $intent->status !== 'requires_action' || $intent->next_action->type !== 'use_stripe_sdk' ) { return; } wp_send_json_success( [ 'action_required' => true, 'payment_intent_client_secret' => $intent->client_secret, ] ); } /** * Request a frontend payment confirmation from a user. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param PaymentIntent $intent PaymentIntent to authorize. */ protected function request_confirm_payment_ajax( $intent ) { wp_send_json_success( [ 'action_required' => true, 'payment_intent_client_secret' => $intent->client_secret, ] ); } /** * Select 'default_payment_method' for Subscription if it needs to be explicitly set * and cleanup remote PaymentMethods in the process. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param PaymentMethod $new_payment_method PaymentMethod object. * * @return string * * @throws Exception In case of Stripe API error. */ protected function select_subscription_default_payment_method( $new_payment_method ) { // Stripe does not set the first PaymentMethod attached to a Customer as Customer's 'default_payment_method'. // Setting it manually if Customer's 'default_payment_method' is empty. if ( isset( $new_payment_method->id ) && empty( $this->customer->invoice_settings->default_payment_method ) ) { $this->update_remote_customer_default_payment_method( $new_payment_method->id ); // In this case Subscription's 'default_payment_method' doesn't have to be explicitly set and defaults to Customer's 'default_payment_method'. return ''; } // Return early if not a credit card is used for a payment ( e.g. Link ). if ( ! isset( $new_payment_method->card->fingerprint ) ) { return ''; } $default_payment_method = PaymentMethod::retrieve( $this->customer->invoice_settings->default_payment_method, Helpers::get_auth_opts() ); // Update Customer's 'default_payment_method' with a new PaymentMethod if it has the same fingerprint. if ( isset( $new_payment_method->card->fingerprint, $default_payment_method->card->fingerprint ) && $new_payment_method->card->fingerprint === $default_payment_method->card->fingerprint ) { $this->update_remote_customer_default_payment_method( $new_payment_method->id ); $default_payment_method->detach(); // In this case Subscription's 'default_payment_method' doesn't have to be explicitly set and defaults to Customer's 'default_payment_method'. return ''; } // In case Customer's 'default_payment_method' is set and its fingerprint doesn't match with a new PaymentMethod, several things need to be done: // - Scan all active subscriptions for 'default_payment_method' with a same fingerprint as a new PaymentMethod. // - Change all matching subscriptions 'default_payment_method' to a new PaymentMethod. // - Delete all PaymentMethods previously set as 'default_payment_method' for matching subscriptions. $this->detach_remote_subscriptions_duplicated_payment_methods( $new_payment_method ); // In this case Subscription's 'default_payment_method' has to be explicitly set // because Customer's 'default_payment_method' contains a different PaymentMethod and cannot be defaulted to. return $new_payment_method->id; } /** * Update 'default_payment_method' for a Customer stored on a Stripe side. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param string $payment_method_id PaymentMethod id. * * @throws Exception If a Customer fails to update. */ protected function update_remote_customer_default_payment_method( $payment_method_id ) { Customer::update( $this->get_customer( 'id' ), [ 'invoice_settings' => [ 'default_payment_method' => $payment_method_id, ], ], Helpers::get_auth_opts() ); } /** * Detach all active Subscriptions PaymentMethods having the same fingerprint as a given PaymentMethod. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param PaymentMethod $new_payment_method PaymentMethod object. * * @throws Exception In case of Stripe API error. */ protected function detach_remote_subscriptions_duplicated_payment_methods( $new_payment_method ) { $subscriptions = Subscription::all( [ 'customer' => $this->get_customer( 'id' ), 'status' => 'active', 'limit' => 100, // Maximum limit allowed by Stripe (https://stripe.com/docs/api/subscriptions/list#list_subscriptions-limit). 'expand' => [ 'data.default_payment_method' ], ], Helpers::get_auth_opts() ); $detach_methods = []; foreach ( $subscriptions as $subscription ) { if ( empty( $subscription->default_payment_method ) ) { continue; } if ( $new_payment_method->card->fingerprint === $subscription->default_payment_method->card->fingerprint ) { Subscription::update( $subscription->id, [ 'default_payment_method' => $new_payment_method->id ], Helpers::get_auth_opts() ); $detach_methods[ $subscription->default_payment_method->id ] = $subscription->default_payment_method; } } foreach ( $detach_methods as $detach_method ) { $detach_method->detach(); } } /** * Set an encrypted token as a PaymentIntent metadata item. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @throws ApiErrorException In case payment intent save wasn't successful. */ private function set_bypass_captcha_3dsecure_token() { $form_data = wpforms()->get( 'process' )->form_data; // Set token only if captcha is enabled for the form. if ( empty( $form_data['settings']['recaptcha'] ) ) { return; } $this->intent->metadata['captcha_3dsecure_token'] = Crypto::encrypt( $this->intent->id ); $this->intent->update( $this->intent->id, $this->intent->serializeParameters(), Helpers::get_auth_opts() ); } /** * Bypass CAPTCHA check on successful 3dSecure check. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param bool $is_bypassed True if CAPTCHA is bypassed. * @param array $entry Form entry data. * @param array $form_data Form data and settings. * * @return bool * * @throws ApiErrorException In case payment intent save wasn't successful. */ public function bypass_captcha_on_3dsecure_submit( $is_bypassed, $entry, $form_data ) { // Firstly, run checks that may prevent bypassing: // 1) Sanity check to prevent possible tinkering with captcha on non-payment forms. // 2) Both reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha are enabled by the same setting. if ( ! Helpers::is_payments_enabled( $form_data ) || empty( $form_data['settings']['recaptcha'] ) || empty( $entry['payment_intent_id'] ) ) { return $is_bypassed; } // This is executed before payment processing kicks in and fills `$this->intent`. // PaymentIntent intent has to be retrieved from Stripe instead of getting it from `$this->intent`. $intent = $this->retrieve_payment_intent( $entry['payment_intent_id'] ); if ( empty( $intent->status ) || $intent->status !== 'succeeded' ) { return $is_bypassed; } $token = ! empty( $intent->metadata['captcha_3dsecure_token'] ) ? $intent->metadata['captcha_3dsecure_token'] : ''; if ( Crypto::decrypt( $token ) !== $intent->id ) { return $is_bypassed; } // Cleanup the token to prevent its repeated usage and declutter the metadata. $intent->metadata['captcha_3dsecure_token'] = null; $intent->update( $intent->id, $intent->serializeParameters(), Helpers::get_auth_opts() ); return true; } /** * Retrieve Mandate object from Stripe. * * @since 1.8.7 * * @param string $id Mandate id. * @param array $args Additional arguments. * * @throws ApiErrorException If the request fails. * * @return Mandate|null */ public function retrieve_mandate( string $id, array $args = [] ) { try { $defaults = [ 'id' => $id ]; if ( isset( $args['mode'] ) ) { $auth_opts = [ 'api_key' => Helpers::get_stripe_key( 'secret', $args['mode'] ) ]; unset( $args['mode'] ); } $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); return Mandate::retrieve( $args, $auth_opts ?? Helpers::get_auth_opts() ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { wpforms_log( 'Stripe: Unable to get Mandate.', $e->getMessage(), [ 'type' => [ 'payment', 'error' ], ] ); } return null; } /** * Create Stripe Setup Intent. * * @since 1.8.7 * * @param array $intent_data Intent data. * @param array $args Additional arguments. * * @throws ApiErrorException If the request fails. * * @return SetupIntent|null */ public function create_setup_intent( array $intent_data, array $args ) { try { if ( isset( $args['mode'] ) ) { $auth_opts = [ 'api_key' => Helpers::get_stripe_key( 'secret', $args['mode'] ) ]; } return SetupIntent::create( $intent_data, $auth_opts ?? Helpers::get_auth_opts() ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { wpforms_log( 'Stripe: Unable to create Setup Intent.', $e->getMessage(), [ 'type' => [ 'payment', 'error' ], ] ); } return null; } }